The Run is created to play with 2-10 Players, but the larger the area you cover, the larger you can make the game and the more Players you can add.
Here are the rules to expand the game beyond 2 Players.
Add 1 Gate per extra Player
If you play with 2 Players, use 3 Gates. If you play with 4 players, use 5 Gates. If you play with 69 Players, use 70 Gates. Use the table below to see how many Gates you should add:
# of Players | # of Gates |
2 | 3 |
3 | 4 |
4 | 5 |
5 | 6 |
6 | 7 |
# of Players | = # Gates +1 |
This way any Player can still get 2 Gates locked if they’re fast and all Players can lock 1 Gate leaving 1 Gate as the final goal. Read more about the final goal on the Gates page.
Add 3 Landmarks per Player
Add 3 more Landmarks to the map per Player you add to the game. You can also recycle Landmarks from other Players, that doesn’t matter. As long as the Landmarks are on the opposite side of the Starting Point of the Player.
Anything else stays the same
Any Perk, Reward or any other rule stays exactly the same.
Enjoy The Run! Be sure to tag @seriousbanter and #therun in your social media posts so we can see you’ve played The Run!